Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happiness Isn't In The Bag

Can we just be honest, here?

Right now, some of us are going through some MAJOR stuff.  Me included.

I got some news today that was stressful and, as luck would have it, I was in the grocery store parking lot.


So, I went into the grocery store, thinking about my stressful news, and craving something fatty and salty.   That disgusting congealed cheese in a jar has never looked so good.

I bought it along with a bag of chips, went home, and ate it.  Not the whole jar or bag of chips but I could have.

Tell me I'm not alone when I do something like this?   I don't even have to ask that.  I know some of you have been there, too.

You what the thing about emotional eating is, though?  It really doesn't make us feel better.

Happiness isn't in the bag.  Or at the bottom of the bag.   It isn't.

Like I said, I did stop myself from eating the whole jar AND I didn't raid my kids' Halloween candy so even though I now feel a little sick to my stomach as I think about that yellow goo in my stomach, I consider it a win that I didn't do more damage.

The thing is, we HAVE to learn to deal with our emotions in a non-food way.   I've already worked out today and showered so that wasn't really an option.   What I should have done was not even bought the chips and dip in the first place - talked myself out of it.   I could have called my mom and vented.  I could have watched mindless TV.  I could have read the three books I'm working on.   I could have done a NUMBER of things besides eating and so can YOU!

What are some things that you use to combat emotional eating?

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