Friday, October 16, 2015

I want the FEELING - not the number

I used to be a slave to the scale.
Every morning I would wake up and weigh myself. I was happy if it remained my "usual" weight and pissed if it didn't. It was like a game. If I "cheated" or overdid it but weighed the same, I'd won or something. Ugh.
Crazy to think now I haven't weighed myself in months!
Because instead of rewarding myself for what my bones, organs, muscle, water, and whatever else is in my body weighs, I see how FIT I am.
People! I have abs!!! Yes! I've had 2 c-sections and I'm knocking on 40's door! I'm not "supposed" to have abs!
This isn't supposed to be my fittest and healthiest time of life!
I could care less what the scale says. Truly. I love that I am more toned then I have been, maybe ever. I love that I can run around the yard and up and down steps with my kids and not tire. I love, love, LOVE when I have something heavy to carry and a guy says it's too heavy, I prove him wrong.
I was in the doctors office yesterday and it always used to give me such anxiety. I used to wear my lightest clothes, demand my shoes be taken off, the whole deal, just so I could see "that number" on the scale. Yesterday, I went it with jeans, heavy shirt, kept my tennis shoes on and didn't even look at the scale.
Look, I know some you are like I used to be and have that magic number. The thing about the magic number is that there's no magic to it. The magic is in the FEELING, not the number.
The feeling of getting so sweaty and winded that you think you can't make it through your workout but you do. The feeling of quitting soda and not even WANTING one anymore. The feeling of looking in the mirror and spotting a little baby tricep that you had given up on years ago!
I want you all to strive for THAT feeling not that number.

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