Monday, September 14, 2015

How I turned my child's eating habits around

I am a dietitian and I had a five year old who would only eat milk and bread - if that - at most meals.

Some call it irony.   I call it karma.

You see, for YEARS, I counseled parents with picky eaters and I just didn't get it.  I mean, just don't make three different meals.  Make them eat the food in front of them.  How hard was that?

Well, then I had a sweet little bitty who hated anything healthy - except for milk.   Milk is what most of his meals consisted of.  I tried to put other foods on his plate but they would get thrown away.   I tried hiding fruits and vegetables in brownies, shakes, smoothies, every place I could think.  He would dig them out or not eat them at all.

This craziness got to the point that all he would eat would be peanut butter sandwiches and drink milk.  Lots of milk.  Then the dentist told us he could only drink milk at meals so that he wouldn't be coating his teeth with the sugar in milk.  Fair enough, I thought.  Maybe he won't be so full from the milk and then he will eat more, right?   Nope.   Still just milk and bread.

Through all of this complete desperation and frustration, I kept offering healthy choices.   99% of the time, he would refuse but the 1% of the time I thought, "FINALLY!!!!"

About 6 months ago, I made some tilapia when it was just he and I at home.  I also had some baby spinach that I was going to make a salad with and then his usual - peanut butter sandwich.   On that day, though, when I offered him the fish and spinach, he accepted.    What was even better is that he LOVED IT!   He actually ate the whole piece of fish.  I could honestly not believe what I was seeing!   He also ate the spinach and then had some fruit!

Was this actually happening?   This child who would rather eat anything ( I mean anything) than something of any sort of substance was eating tilapia and spinach????


At this time, he is actually requesting to eat healthier foods and hasn't had a peanut butter sandwich for quite awhile.

For you parents out there with a picky eater, I get it.  You are at your wits end and meal time is NOT fun.   I can't tell you how frustrated I would get after cooking a nice meal only to have him not eat anything and then complain that he was hungry or that he just wanted bread.   Ugh!

My advice is to keep offering your little ones healthy selections.   Make it fun and model.  If they have parents and older siblings eating healthier choices, the more likely they are to follow suit.

It may take awhile and trust me, I really thought it would never happen.  I honestly thought I would be the dietitian whose child was a horrible eater but he has switched from junk food junkie to the food police!

If you would, please share your own stories of picky eaters below - especially if you've had a break through with your little one.   We ALL just want our children to be healthy and I am sure some of you have some great tips to share!

Follow my own journey and my family's journey back to fitness at
Lose It With Lucy

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